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Beware of the Bargains: The Colossal Adventure to Rome’s Colosseum

By Sara Mckay

Hello wanderers, Sara here! Your trusty travel companion, always on the lookout for the next epic tale to share. Grab a cuppa, get comfy and let me take you back to my first bold venture into the heart of the Roman Empire - the awe-inspiring Colosseum. Let’s just say it wasn't as straightforward as you'd think. Buckle up, it’s going to be a thrilling ride!

I was a fresh-faced 17-year-old, on a whirlwind college holiday with a jam-packed itinerary and only 72 hours to soak up the ancient splendours of Rome. On paper, it sounded simple - but the city, my friends, had other plans!

Before I could even get a glimpse of that iconic amphitheatre, the first test of my journey presented itself. Rome, for all its grandeur and charm, had a bustling underbelly. No sooner had I stepped foot off the plane than I was swarmed by smooth talkers and 'would-be' entrepreneurs offering deals on souvenirs, tours and ‘authentic’ Roman trinkets at prices that could've bought Julius Caesar's toga. Rule #1 in Rome: Beware of the bargains!

Now, don't let that put you off. My first taste of the Eternal City was a lesson in savvy travel, and it only made the reward of the Colosseum that much sweeter.

In this feature, I’m about to reveal the beauty and history of this 7th wonder of the ancient world that’s stood the test of time. We’ll delve into captivating tales of gladiators, unveil fun facts that your history teacher may have missed, and of course, share my personal impressions that will make you feel as if you’re right there, looking up at the grand edifice with me.

Expect an unfiltered round-up of what to do, what to avoid, and what will simply blow your mind. Be prepared to understand why the Colosseum isn’t just an iconic symbol of Rome, but a storyteller, whispering tales of emperors and gladiators in the wind, if you just listen closely.

So, come on! Let's step into my Roman holiday, dodging scams and overpriced trinkets, discovering hidden gems and gawping at the epic, heart-stopping majesty of the Colosseum. You ready? Let's get started!

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Dodging Lions and Emperors: A Spunky Spin on Colosseum Facts

Alright folks, buckle up! Let's embark on a whirlwind tour of the Colosseum, that colossal pile of rocks with a history spicier than Nonna's Arrabbiata sauce.

First things first, it all started back in 72AD - that's right, we're pushing 2,000 years old here, people. The big man Vespasian got the party started, but he didn't live to see the final brick put in place. It was his sons, Titus and Domitian, who finished the job. Talk about keeping it in the family!

Left: Vespasian. Right: An aerial view of the Colosseum.

And here's the kicker - it was largely built by Jewish slaves. These guys were carted all the way from Jerusalem after the first Jewish-Roman war. Picture this: between 60,000 to 100,000 people toiling day and night, turning a once opulent palace into a public arena for the citizens. Talk about an epic DIY project!

The Colosseum? Yeah, that's not its real name. It was initially known as the Flavian Amphitheater, named after our pal Vespasian and his offspring who belonged to the Flavian dynasty. The name "Colosseum" stuck because of a colossal statue of Emperor Nero nearby. Fancy, huh?

Colossus of Nero

Alright, ready for some more juicy details? The Colosseum is 189 meters long, 156 meters wide, and 48.5 meters tall. That's like stacking nine giraffes on top of each other! The structure boasts 80 arches in each of its three tiers, each numbered in those classic Roman numerals. Handy, if you were a Roman citizen trying to find your seat among 50,000-80,000 other spectators.

It's safe to say, the Colosseum saw more bloodshed than a Tarantino movie, with estimates suggesting up to 400,000 people lost their lives there. And let's not forget the poor animals - we're talking lions, tigers, elephants and more - that were thrown into the mix for good measure.

But don't believe everything you see in the movies, folks. Gladiator fights were no chaotic free-for-all. It was more like an ancient version of WWE. Sure, there was blood, but there were also rules, referees and medical personnel on hand.

And lastly, the Colosseum has seen its fair share of disasters. It's endured at least three major fires, four earthquakes and a whole lot of decay. It's been a cemetery, a place of worship, housing, workshops, a fortified castle, and even a tourist attraction that now attracts over 4 million visitors annually.

The Gladiator Effect: Russell Crowe, Rome and My Teenage Self

Alright, let's swerve a bit from ancient history, and let me tell you about the time I fell head over heels for a sword-swinging, sandal-wearing gladiator. Yep, you guessed it, I'm talking about the one and only Russell Crowe in that iconic film, "Gladiator."

The box art for the Gladiator movie.

Back when I was a 17-year-old student, bursting with teenage energy and the thirst for adventure, I wasn't thumbing through dusty history textbooks or reciting Latin phrases in my free time. Nah, I was sat wide-eyed in front of a TV screen, hooked to the intense drama of Rome's bloody arenas as depicted by our main man Russell.

I mean, who can forget Crowe's hardened gaze, his raw power and his relentless pursuit of justice in the heart of the Roman Empire? The thrumming music, the clash of steel, the rousing speeches – it was all so intoxicating! The movie didn't just introduce me to Rome; it flung me into a whirlwind romance with its past, the kind of love affair that could rival the passion of Antony and Cleopatra.

I'll be the first to admit that the movie's dramatic interpretation of history is a bit of a Hollywood twist on the real deal. But hey, isn't that the magic of the movies? They sweep us away, inspire us and ignite within us a curiosity for the truth behind the tale.

In my case, it was the spark that sent me packing, with a thirst to see the grandeur of Rome in person. I wanted to breathe in the air of the Colosseum, to tread the same ground where gladiators once fought, to experience the echoes of a time long past. I wanted to feel the pulse of Rome's history beneath my feet, and all thanks to Mr. Crowe's epic performance.

So here's a hearty shoutout to "Gladiator," the movie that started it all for me. The one that turned this British teenager into a history-loving, travel-obsessed blogger. And if you're reading this Russ, cheers mate, you did one heck of a job!

Modern Musings: The Colosseum Today, Nearby Gems and My Frugal Adventures

With the whisper of history humming through its ruins, the Colosseum today is a beacon for millions of history enthusiasts, like you and me, who flock to Rome annually. It's no longer the scene of bloody battles and savage spectacles, but rather a testimony to the passage of time and the resilience of ancient architecture.

But while you're in Rome, don't just stop at the Colosseum. A stone's throw away is the Roman Forum, where you can stroll through the cradle of Roman civilization. If you can spare the time, saunter up Palatine Hill for an enchanting view of the Eternal City at sunset. It's worth every step, I promise.

The Roman Forum poking out from above the rooftops.

As for the Colosseum, it’s open all year round (except Christmas and New Year’s day) and queues can get pretty long, particularly in summer, so it's best to book your tickets online. The standard entrance fee is around 16 euros, but you can pay an extra 5 euros for a guided tour or 9 euros for an audio guide.

But here’s where it gets a little tricky. If you're a 17-year-old student trying to stretch your euros, the gift shop could feel like a formidable opponent in its own right. Remember the gladiators we talked about? Yeah, it's a bit like that. Picture shelves brimming with beautiful magnets, postcards, mini Colosseum replicas and the likes, each with a price tag that would make a budget-conscious teenager's wallet whimper. While I have a fondness for magnets, I didn't take to the idea of parting with my limited funds for a souvenir. So, as much as it pained me, I resisted the lure of the merchandise and decided to keep my memories of the Colosseum tucked safely away in my heart and my writings, rather than in material souvenirs.

Remember, fellow travellers, the joy of the journey lies not in the material trinkets we collect, but in the memories we create and the stories we live to tell. Stay frugal, stay adventurous, and keep exploring.

Roman Requiem: A Love Affair with History, Heat and My Hilarious Attempt at Italian

As I cast my mind back to that sultry July afternoon, I recall standing before the grandeur of the Colosseum, my 17-year-old self entirely captivated. Yes, the blistering heat was somewhat overwhelming, and the crowd was just as sweltering. The summer sun was relentless, a formidable gladiator I hadn't quite prepared to battle.

The entrance ticket, while not exorbitantly priced for most, was a luxury my teenage wallet appreciated skipping – thank you, college trip package! But here's a funny anecdote: ever had the experience of a British teenager trying to flex her linguistic muscles with Italian phrases? Let's just say my attempts were less "La Dolce Vita" and more "Fawlty Towers". The locals, bless their hearts, found my botched Italian endearing, or so I'd like to think.

That trip, with all its comedy and charm, sparked in me a passion for ancient history, an unlikely crush on Russell Crowe, and a romanticisation of Rome that prevails to this day. Every photograph I took seems to narrate a tale, capturing the ethereal beauty of the Colosseum's ruins under the Roman sky.

Intriguingly, the Colosseum, both in its grandeur and gore, echoes a past that contrasts sharply with its present. A structure that once stood as a testament to the savagery of spectacles, today draws crowds for its solemn historical significance. It's a physical manifestation of Rome's journey through the centuries - its layers of history etched in every stone.

Yet, despite my fascination with this ancient marvel, there were elements that chipped away at its allure. The throngs of tourists, the insistent scammers... they didn't exactly add to the charm.

So, would I go back? To be honest, probably not. The Colosseum, in all its magnificence, is a place I was fortunate to experience once. I carry the memory of it, every moment, every laugh, every sunbeam, with me. It's a chapter of my life I cherish, but one I feel no need to revisit.

I'm not sure how I've managed to make a 2016 polaroid of the Colosseum look like it was taken in the 60s, but here we are!

Remember, fellow explorers, every place we visit leaves its imprint on us. The Colosseum may be an ancient wonder, but it also reminded me that the true wonder lies in the journey, not just the destination. Until our next adventure, arrivederci, my friends. And remember, wherever your travels take you, hold onto your sense of wonder, a good sense of humor, and perhaps practice your foreign language skills a bit more than I did!

Planning a visit to the Colosseum? You might be interested in this: Colosseum, Roman Forum & Palatine Hill Priority Access Guide.

That's all for this post! If you've visited the Colosseum and discovered any hidden treasures or have tips to share, I'd be thrilled to hear about them. If you're in the process of planning a trip and have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out. Assisting fellow travellers is always a pleasure, and I make it a point to respond to every email I receive ( Until we meet again, journey safely!

P.S. For those curious to see more, you can find all our travel photos on the SaraJourneysMore Instagram page.

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