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Calum and I Unravel the Magic of Paris, France

By Sara Mckay

Stepping into Paris, the City of Love, is like stepping into a timeless fairytale, and for Calum and I, it was just the beginning of an unforgettable journey.

Our arrival on the Eurostar set the stage for an adventure we could never have anticipated, an exploration that was not merely of the city, but of ourselves.

Set right in London St Pancras, the Eurostar, despite the early morning call, was so fun, I’ve never been on one before, and it was amazing!

Right from our awe-inspiring first gaze at the Eiffel Tower, piercing the Parisian skyline with its timeless grace, to the palatial grandeur of the Louvre, home to an enthralling tapestry of art and history, our hearts were captured. As we strolled down the dazzling Champs-Élysées, each shop window twinkling with the promise of discovery, and marveled at the imposing Arc De Triomphe, we truly felt immersed in the vibrant heartbeat of Paris.

If you have followed my Arc De Triomphe article, I have flooded you with lots of pictures I know! But it's so magnificent, I also didn't plan the amazing skyline!

Our abode in the city, The Hotel Splendid Elite, became more than just a place to rest our heads. It was a portal to an elegant past, a romantic retreat nestled in the heart of the city's teeming bustle. Our Parisian adventure was an intoxicating blend of the iconic and the unseen, the popular and the obscure.

Just non stop beauty, despite the beginning of the day being foggy

We were wanderers, lovers, discoverers, leaving no cobblestone unturned in our quest to experience every charm this city had to offer. This is not just the story of Calum and I in Paris, this is the story of our hearts dancing under the Parisian sky, and of falling in love not just with each other, but also with every corner of this magical city. So, fasten your seat belts as we take you on a whimsical journey, where the allure of the familiar blends with the excitement of the undiscovered, as we walk you through our extraordinary sojourn in Paris.

A Modern Day Titanic: The Eurostar Adventure That Kickstarted Our Parisian Love Affair

The beautiful London St Pancras, which is where the Eurostar is!

You know that feeling of excitement that bubbles up in your stomach when you're about to embark on an adventure? Well, that's precisely what we experienced on the morning we set off for Paris. Rising before the sun, embracing the mantra that "the early bird catches the worm", we prepared for our journey on the Eurostar. Having wisely decided to stay in London the night before, we were grateful not to be in a bleary-eyed race against the clock.

Despite the smile, I cannot say I was too enamored with the early morning start, a 4:30am start might I add, but I was ready to go, and of course with my favorite man ever!

It's a lot like an airport, the Eurostar terminal, but with one glorious difference - you can take as much luggage as you fancy! So, no squabbling over who gets to pack what - a perk we greatly appreciated. We shuffled through the queue, navigated the security and border control with ease, and then, voila! We found ourselves amidst duty-free shopping galore.

Set away in the amazing and well organized structure of the Eurostar!

You know that iconic scene in Titanic, where Rose steps out of her vehicle and the mighty ship bellows in the background? That was us, except we were stepping up the escalators to the tune of a more modern, electronic bellow. There it was, our metallic steed, the Eurostar.

Once you've passed the security and border control, it's effortless, grab a coffee, grab some duty free, and relax until you embark upwards onto the Eurostar platform, which is stunning.

The seats? Oh, they were a dream! As we sunk into the plush comfort, we couldn't help but anticipate the journey ahead. The two to three-hour ride might seem long on paper, but with on-board refreshments, snacks, and - drumroll, please - free internet, it felt more like a luxe cruise on rails. Yes, the countryside's internet reception might give you a hiccup or two, but hey, it gave us a chance to actually enjoy the mesmerizing views outside!

Just another selfie of me on the Eurostar, I did do a little bit of makeup, as, when in Paris am I right?

Now, we'd be remiss not to mention the elephant in the room - the cost. Post-Brexit, Eurostar tickets did put a noticeable dent in our wallets. Granted, we could've opted for an EasyJet flight that might have been gentler on our finances. However, the Eurostar experience - that unique blend of nostalgia, luxury, and excitement - is one we'd gladly repeat. After all, our Parisian romance started not when we set foot in Paris, but when we boarded that train.

Left: The first Parisian image, step out of the train station and fall in love! Mind the rubbish truck though, TYPICAL! Right: Just as stunning the Gare du Nord strikes you with its architectural beauty, and yes we shall return!
Take a stroll, fall in love, enjoy it on your own, Paris has it all!

Rise to the Heavens: Ascending Montmartre to the Majestic Sacré-Cœur

Now I know i’m not a photographer, but sometimes even I amaze myself at how good I am

Let me take you along on our jaunt to the Sacré-Cœur Basilica, nestled in the heart of Montmartre. The journey, a twenty-minute walk from the nearest station, could be deemed strenuous by some - those cobblestone streets and numerous steps are no laughing matter. But oh, what an enchanting stroll it was, amidst quaint streets humming with history. While we didn't venture inside - a decision influenced by a blend of time constraint, crowd avoidance, and penny-saving - the Basilica's grandeur was breathtaking enough from the outside.

Even from a different angle, it just looks amazing, the detail from the brickwork, to the engravings, makes you relive a beautiful part of history, well, almost all beautiful.

And here's a petite history lesson for you: the plans to construct the Sacré-Cœur were first proposed back in 1870, shortly after France's defeat in the Franco-Prussian War. The idea was to build a sanctuary to seek forgiveness and mercy for the nation's sins. Built on Montmartre - the 'Hill of the Martyrs' - its location has ties to early Christianity, from the martyrdom of Saint Denis of Paris to being the birthplace of the Society of Jesus. This majestic basilica, despite numerous construction delays and controversies, stands today as a testament to faith, perseverance, and architectural brilliance.

A view from above, just look at the stunning city of Paris, from skyscrapers to old Parisian buildings, from many MANY steps upwards, it really is a moment.

As we descended, a word of caution echoed in our minds: beware of scammers. Those offering to take your photos or selling souvenirs may seem friendly, but trust us - it won't be free. Keep your wits about you and your wallet happier.

That’s right, in front of Paris, and I’m still just that good looking

Our Parisian adventure was far from over. As the setting sun bathed the city in a warm, golden glow, we set our sights on our next stop: the iconic Moulin Rouge, star of one of my all-time favorite films. But more on that later!

Left: A picture of the stunning Sacré-Cœur Basilica from a different angle, wow! Right: Even the steps are brimming with history and beauty, and also sweat, my sweat, quick note as well, the woman in the blue top was running up and down these, some people are just amazing

Feeling inspired to visit Sacré-Cœur? Make sure to pre-book your tickets here for a hassle-free experience and a mere 4 euro charge!

Just a heads up, if you are using the Eurostar, as the station is much closer than the airport, this is how far the Basilica is from the station, not bad! Well… The stairs are! But you can cable car!

Stay tuned for more of our Paris Off the Beaten Track series as we continue to uncover the City of Love's local favorites.

Dancing to the Rhythm of Montmartre: A Peek at the Magnificent Moulin Rouge

The famous windmill, and all in red!

Buckle up, folks, because we're delving into the heart of Paris's glittering cabaret scene next. Nestled amidst the lively buzz of the city, we couldn't resist making a pitstop at the show-stopping Moulin Rouge. Now, we didn't waltz in and get a front-row seat, but believe me when I tell you that the place radiates its magic even from the outside. But first, let's rewind a little to talk about those dreaded public toilets...yes, Paris, you could do with a few more, and a clean one wouldn't go amiss!

Even from the outside close up, it really is an atonement to detail and history

Now back to the star of our show, the Moulin Rouge. This beacon of French cancan has been the heart and soul of Montmartre for over 120 years. A brainchild of Joseph Oller and Charles Zidler, it sprang to life in 1889 and quickly became the go-to spot for a wild, champagne-fueled night. With its quirky architectural charm and intoxicating performances, the Moulin Rouge was, and remains, a hotspot for those seeking a slice of Parisian revelry.

While the place had its share of ups and downs, like a disastrous fire in 1915, it never lost its sparkle. It was reimagined in the '50s and that's when the cabaret got its groove back, and how! Today, the enchanting "revues" performed by the 80-strong troupe bring alive the Moulin Rouge's glorious history, night after scintillating night.

All the way back to 1889, its modernized a bit due to history, but it is glamorous to say the least

I'll admit, the allure of stepping into this iconic establishment, where the likes of Charles Trenet and Edith Piaf once graced the stage, is tempting. Will I one day surrender to the magnetism of Moulin Rouge and bask in its razzle-dazzle? Only time will tell! But for now, seeing the vibrant red windmill against the Parisian skyline was a delightful treat.

Even though the entrance is great, the paintings, the red carpet, I didn’t go, and neither did Calum, but we recommend it!

Now, if you're thinking you'd like to experience the Moulin Rouge's grandeur first-hand, let me help you out. Here are the links to book your tickets: Moulin Rouge Tickets

I know what you are thinking, at night, WOW, the glistening lights, the people, the wheel, brilliant! BECAUSE YOU CAN CAN CAN

Moving on from the cancan frenzy, we ventured onto the Parisian streets, bellies rumbling, and eyes keen to soak up more of this beautiful city. Up next, a monumental encounter with the Arc De Triomphe, and guess what? It was right next to our hotel! But more on that later. Stay tuned, mes amis!

The Streets of Paris: A Concoction of Charm, Chaos, and Chocolate Pastries!

There are so many stunning little eateries like this, with flowers and color, but beware, the smoking is INTENSE

Strutting away from the mesmerizing spectacle of the Moulin Rouge, we found ourselves thrown into the vibrant labyrinth of Parisian streets. Ah, the streets of Paris - a sublime mix of history, beauty, and just a pinch of pandemonium!

I kinda get a London feel with these buildings, but with a twist! From the windows and the buildings, it's lovely.

These arteries of the city hold a world of wonder, right from centuries-old architecture to the smell of freshly baked bread wafting from quaint corner bakeries. Each turn we took was a new photograph waiting to be captured, each corner a new chapter of Paris waiting to be unfolded. Don't just take my word for it, get your cameras ready and snap away!

I mean look how far each beautiful building goes down, but also, yep thats a beer can

Unlike New York's compact hustle or London's structured charm, Paris spreads out its gems. The city layout demands that you explore, that you truly immerse yourself in its rich tapestry of culture. And immerse we did, with a little help from the most heavenly chocolate Nutella pastry I've ever tasted! If Paris was a pastry, this would be it - rich, indulgent, and oh-so-satisfying.

I found this building on the end of the street something out of a Bronte book, the fancy lights, the windows with beautiful engravings, the architecture really boasted Paris’s aesthetic.

But let's not get too lost in that flaky goodness! Parisian streets, while charming, can also be a tad bit tumultuous. Picture this: You've brushed up on your French manners, you're ready to charm the locals, and then WHAM! You're sideswiped by an army of Parisians in a hurry. Mind your step, mes amis, because the pavements of Paris can sometimes feel like a battlefield.

Despite the evident red light and the bike, cars and vehicles just keep moving here!

And don't even get me started on the traffic! Who knew that green signals for pedestrians were more like polite suggestions than rules? It seemed cars held the right of way, pedestrians be damned. I must've missed that memo, but hey, when in Paris, do as the Parisians do, right?

Finding the Arc De Triomphe, which already stood so tall, I felt closer and closer to the Hotel, and well, if you’re ever stuck, there is a Maccies.

The city's beauty does demand a price - your energy. Walking across the sprawling city can be exhausting, but as they say, life is what you make of it. Embrace the walk, feel the rhythm of the city, and remember, every step brings you closer to the next wonder Paris has to offer.

We eventually took a breather and decided to grab a bite, and let me tell you, it wasn't just any ordinary pitstop. The view, oh la la, one of the world's greatest! But more on that coming up. Hold onto your berets, because our Parisian adventure is just getting started!

Literally a 2 minute walk to the Arc De Triomphe, this beautifully laid out menu really struck a chord with me, and we ate there, and it was great!

Find the menu here! laflammeparis

Here’s the view, just turn left and there is the Arc De Triomphe, and literally 5 minutes away is our hotel, sit inside or out, it's worth it, even in the February weather!
Left: My salad! Now i’m normally not a salad gal, but the meat looked amazing Right: Calum got a burger and chips, classic! But also, WOW!

The Arc De Triomphe: Majestic Beauty and Steeped in History!

Covered in more depth in it’s own article the Arc De Triomphe is worth a dedicated article, its so bright, and welcoming, so magical

There's something unforgettably magnificent about the Arc De Triomphe. It was Calum's and my absolute favorite - we were both utterly captivated by its grandeur and the captivating history that is etched into every inch of this monument.

I think the reflection really strikes a massive cord with me, just look at it

Built by the orders of Napoleon Bonaparte, the Arc De Triomphe stands as a symbol of French unity and strength. Constructed between 1806 and 1836, it was intended to honor the French army after their victory at Austerlitz. Today, the Arc continues to mesmerize visitors with its striking design and the intricate reliefs depicting key moments of French history.

And by taking these stairs underground, it leads you to the Arc De Triomphe, also look at the crow, what a shot!

The beauty of the Arc De Triomphe is not just in its design, it's also in its location. Perfectly positioned at the end of the Champs-Élysées, it provides an incredible perspective of the city. In fact, you can climb to the top and enjoy a panoramic view of Paris that'll leave you breathless!

Yes, that's people up there, find tickets below! But also, how long did this take? Look at the fine details!

But every rose has its thorns, and the Arc De Triomphe is no exception. The monument's popularity makes it a hotspot for crowds and long lines. Plus, you'll need to muster up the courage (and the energy!) to climb the 284 steps to the top - no small feat, I assure you!

From the very top, in one of the world's largest roundabouts, you can see the skyscrapers, or palaces, which makes it even more emotive, when up top!

Regardless, the Arc De Triomphe was a standout experience for us. The combination of its grand design, rich history, and the connection it offered to the city left us awestruck. Whether you're a history buff or a fan of stunning architecture, the Arc De Triomphe is an absolute must-see when in Paris.

Another example of the monumental shots from above, I mentioned the Palace and the Champs De Elysees, and I was RIGHT!

Planning to visit? Here's the link to Arc De Triomphe Tickets. Make sure to check it out for current prices and availability.

In summary, the Arc De Triomphe, standing proudly in the heart of Paris, is a testament to a vibrant past and an equally promising future. After all, as Victor Hugo once said, "Great buildings, like great mountains, are the work of centuries." And trust me, this is one 'mountain' you won't want to miss!

Left: And if you have a good phone/ camera, erase people and make friends and family jealous! Right: Also Calum took this one, I mean, wowza! Arc De Triomphe and the Eiffel Tower, amazing!

Hôtel Splendid Etoile: Our Parisian Love Nest!

From their website

If you've ever wondered where to stay in Paris for the ultimate romantic getaway, then let me tell you about Hôtel Splendid Etoile. It's an exquisite hotel nestled only a 3 to 5-minute walk away from the magnificent Arc de Triomphe and the famous Champs-Elysées.

And if you’re really lucky, you get to have breakfast, downstairs in the restaurant or room service, in front of something so magical, imagine that being your morning.

Now, what did Calum and I love about our stay there? A whole lot, let me tell you! The hotel is steeped in classic Parisian charm, with beautiful art deco and an elegant style that feels sophisticated and warm all at once. Their continental breakfasts were a dream come true, the perfect start to a day of exploring the City of Love.

The bed, which is just as comfy, was a perfect little destination for Calum and I, as all we needed was a bed and somewhere to sleep!

Of course, no place is perfect and the Hôtel Splendid Etoile is no exception. While we absolutely loved our stay, some guests have mentioned that the rooms can feel a tad small and the hotel's opulence might not be everyone's cup of tea. But if you ask me, the charm and location more than make up for these minor inconveniences.

Nothing beats a top bun and eyebags, am I right people?! Well, oh well, providing you with everything you need, this hotel really was worth it

The hotel's location is truly unbeatable. Aside from the proximity to the Arc de Triomphe and the Champs-Élysées, it's not too far from other hotspots. For instance, it's about a 15-minute drive to the Eiffel Tower and the Louvre Museum. So, you'll never be too far away from the action!

Now, let's talk about the elephant in the room - the price. A night at the Hôtel Splendid Etoile does come with a hefty price tag, with rooms often over 100 euros. But in my honest opinion, the experience, the location, and the sheer feeling of being immersed in the heart of Paris makes every cent worthwhile.

This, however, was our view, but we didn’t let it deter us!

To see for yourself or book a stay, visit their website here. But remember, lovebirds, this kind of luxury comes with a cost.

Staying at the Hôtel Splendid Etoile made our Valentine's getaway all the more special. Calum, you've done well, darling! And I couldn't help but fall even deeper in love with him during our stay. After all, Paris is for lovers, and our romantic stay at the Hôtel Splendid Etoile will always have a special place in our hearts.

With her boots on and her dress, this girl was READY to see the EIFFEL TOWER. Well, the next day, I needed sleep, couldn’t you tell

Champs-Élysées: Strutting Down the Runway of Paris!

An aerial view of the busy and bustling Champs-Élysées, with the Louvre waiting for us!

Allow me to paint a picture of the Champs-Élysées, the legendary avenue that stretches from the Place de la Concorde to the Arc de Triomphe. There's nothing quite like the buzz of this Parisian fashionista haven during the day, but at night? Oh, it's a dream.

A clear night aerial shot, taken by me, of one of the world's highest fashion and shopping streets, still open and welcoming to everyone. Well I say this, some shops you can’t even go in unless you’ve proven you have the money!

A little walk down memory lane first: back in the 1600s, this area was sprinkled with grand palaces and stunning edifices belonging to the affluent and aristocrats. By the 1800s, the Champs-Élysées had become the ultimate hub for fashion and high society. In 1828, it was officially declared as the civic property of Paris, leading to the addition of fountains, gas lamps, and the clearing of footpaths.

I really love this photo, look at these spots!

Today, it's a paradise for shoppers and luxury-seekers alike. You'll find a veritable who's who of high-end fashion and retail giants: Louis Vuitton, Chanel, Sephora, Longchamp, Zara, H&M, Gap, and even an Apple Store and Citadium department store.

I presume under construction, I can only WAIT until it's unveiled something magical

Now, the Champs-Élysées isn't without its drawbacks. Here are some quick pros and cons:


1. An unparalleled shopping experience with some of the most prestigious brands.

2. Amazing sights, especially at night when it's all lit up.

3. Cultural hotspots such as the Grand Palais and Petit Palais.

4. Incredible food options - if you're willing to splurge!


1. Can get quite crowded, especially during holidays and weekends.

2. Prices, particularly at cafes and restaurants, can be steep.

3. Some tourists find it to be a bit too commercial and lacking in the quaint charm other Parisian streets offer.

Speaking of prices, here's a word of advice. Dining on the Champs-Élysées? Expect to pay a pretty penny. Calum and I learned that the hard way when we sat down for a bite there. But, honestly, who can resist the allure of dining at one of the world's most famous avenues? So, yes, it was more expensive than anywhere else in Paris, but we chalked it up to the 'When in Paris' experience.

One of the many high fashion shops, The Champs-Élysées sports, I can’t say I can afford Dior however!

The Champs-Élysées, with its shimmering lights and haut monde air, truly gives you a taste of the opulent Parisian lifestyle. It's a little slice of high-end Paris, where every step feels like you're strutting down your own runway. Just don't forget to check the price tags!

Lastly, as we went out at night, I normally don’t drink, but for a special occasion, one must

A Day at the Eiffel: A Marvel of History and Engineering

As the day gets warmer and sunnier, we were met with a sight of something magical, and some of the best man made engineering modern history has to offer

Our Parisian adventure brought us to the feet of one of the world's most iconic landmarks: the Eiffel Tower, or as the locals say, la Tour Eiffel. She has held her own since 1889, weathering protests, wars, and the changing times with an iron resolve (quite literally!). Her creation was a feat of speed and precision, a clear display of France's industrial prowess during the World's Fair, and despite a barrage of criticisms, Gustave Eiffel and his team gave life to this amazing engineering marvel. Read my full article on the history of the Eiffel Tower to learn more about the fascinating story behind this magnificent iron lady.

February weather in Paris is something, sunny then cold, reminds me of Britain, but here I was, though, under such a magnificent structure!

Though widely celebrated today, she was not without her share of detractors, with notable figures including Guy de Maupassant and Alexandre Dumas fils standing firmly against her construction. However, time has proven her worth and, with over 300 million visitors since her unveiling, she has become an unmissable symbol of Paris and France.

From any angle, the Eiffel Tower itself is just magical

Over the years, she has witnessed many transformations, from the installation of lighting to fresh coats of paint, and a handful of unique additions that have come and gone. Yet, the secrets she holds, like Gustave Eiffel's hidden penthouse and her pivotal role in scientific experiments, only add to her allure.


The tower's resilience is on display even today as she dances with the wind and expands under the warmth of the sun. She also pays homage to her country's finest minds with 72 names of French scientists and engineers etched into her iron skin.

Remember to bring your camera (the tower's lights are copyrighted for professional use, but you're welcome to capture them for personal memories), your wallet (food and drink aren't cheap here!), and a wary eye — there might be a scammer or two lurking around. Despite the expense and the need for caution, we found our visit truly rewarding. Though we confess, the Arc De Triomphe stole our hearts in the end.

Sometimes being with your favorite person can make all the difference, and with the Tower Of Love as some would call it in the background, it really was a treat

Want to experience the Eiffel Tower's magic for yourself? Book your tickets here. Be prepared for the experience of a lifetime!

So, there you have it. A glimpse into our day at the Eiffel Tower, the iron dame that continues to dazzle millions with her towering presence and fascinating history. Until next time, au revoir!

And as the night settles in the fog, beauty emerges at every corner

The Lavish Lore of the Louvre

One of four pyramids that look down into the museum, it really is a marvel

Ah, the Louvre! Not just a museum, it's a grand testament to the world's artistic and cultural lineage, right in the heart of Paris. Initially built as a 12th-century fortress by Philip Augustus, this splendid structure has played many roles before becoming the world's most-visited art museum. Francis I, an avid art enthusiast, transformed the fortress into a royal residence in 1546, and it was expanded upon by successive French monarchs. By the time Louis XIV decided to set up shop at Versailles in 1682, the Louvre was all set to transition into a public museum.

Inside is just as special, embroidered with gold and life, really embrace yourself in some of the world's most prestigious art!

Within its majestic walls, the Louvre holds treasures spanning from ancient civilizations to the mid-19th century, everything from the mysterious smile of Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa to intricate French royal artifacts and mesmerizing Mesopotamian art. Its collections are a journey through time and space, crisscrossing continents and millennia, offering glimpses into the profound creativity of the human spirit.

Yes, before entering I took the opportunity to stand on one of the many stands to take this photo…

But hey, don't let the long line intimidate you. Unless you're a sunny day enthusiast, an art fanatic, or a bit loopy like Calum and me braving the February chill, you might wonder if it's worth the wait. Spoiler alert: it absolutely is.

As magnificent as she is…. It's REALLY small

Planning to join the queue? Here's a pro-tip: Book your tickets online to avoid the notorious line. Now go, explore the enigmatic halls of the Louvre, and dive into a kaleidoscopic journey of human expression!

Just one of the many amazing pieces of art here, and the ques are no joke, so take some water!

Oh, and did I mention, in the 21st century, the Louvre extended its grandeur globally? With satellite locations in Lens, France, and an architectural marvel in Abu Dhabi, the Louvre now stretches its artistic wings beyond the confines of Paris.

In the words of Sister Wendy, go forth and appreciate art, right there at the Louvre, where history and creativity are forever intertwined.

Let the history of the palace and the stars take hold, as you go into something that only people dream of, royalty, art and love

Parisian Wonders on the Wishlist: A Promise to Return

At night and day, this amazing structure really stands tall, and only a moments walk from the Louvre

Paris, the City of Lights, isn't just about the Louvre, though that's a gem not to be missed. But beyond its illustrious walls, Paris beckons with countless more treasures. Place de la Concorde, with its iconic obelisk, the Luxor Obelisk, offers a striking blend of historical grandeur and urban charm. Then there's the Musée d'Orsay, another titan of art and culture. Housed in a former railway station, it's home to French art nouveau, impressionism, and post-impressionism, including works by Monet, Manet, Degas, Renoir, and Van Gogh.

I swear my night shots are better than day shots… The weather hates me, no matter where I go, but HEY, look how nice this museum is!

And oh, the River Seine! She's more than just a river; she's the lifeblood of Paris. Cutting through the heart of the city, her banks tell tales of romance, revolution, and resilience. They're lined with some of the city's finest architecture - from the regal Louvre to the twinkling Eiffel Tower. Just to walk by the Seine is to experience the very soul of Paris.

I find something so alluring about rivers in cities, it's so calming against the hustle and bustle, and with a palace to your right and a museum to your left, Paris, placed their buildings WELL!

You can book tickets for Place de la Concorde and Musée d'Orsay right here!

The Musée d'Orsay, home to some of the most beautiful artwork ever done within the 1800’s and older, makes me look at this picture and wish I went!

No, we didn't get to see all these wonders, and the majestic Notre Dame is still on the to-do list for when the renovations are complete. Yes, it's a bummer! But don't worry, Calum and I are already dreaming about our return. Paris isn't a city to be rushed. It's a city to savor, to explore, to love. We may have had just a weekend this time around, but oh, the memories we made!

I mean, look at this picture and tell me WHY I didn't go, well I know why, and so do you, but ugh, dreams, how STUNNING.

So, to those of you with more time on your hands, go ahead and get lost in Paris. Wander down cobblestone streets, discover hidden gardens, admire the timeless architecture, and taste the best of French cuisine. This city isn't just a destination; it's a beautiful journey. As for Calum and I, we'll be back, Paris. After all, who can resist your charm?

Last but not least, a Miss Bella Hadid

Paris Unveiled: Hidden Gems and Safe Spaces

Buttes-Chaumont Park, take a lovely stroll, relax and embrace

Whispered amongst locals and explorers alike, there are some secrets that Paris holds close to its heart. The first of these secrets is the tranquil haven of the Buttes-Chaumont Park, a park like no other. Nestled in the 19th arrondissement, it boasts of cliffs and bridges, a temple-topped island, and enchanting waterfalls - a veritable wonderland in the middle of the city. No tickets needed here, just bring a picnic basket and let nature's beauty embrace you.

Now, how many parks have a stunning picturesque waterfall? WOW

Another treasure off the beaten track is the Musée de la Chasse et de la Nature. This quirky museum is an ode to hunting and nature with a blend of fine art and taxidermy. It's a place where antique hunting weaponry meets contemporary art. Grab your tickets here

With a quirky entrance, it's small and enclosed, and worth viewing just from these posters, let me know what it’s like if you go!

And then there's the covered passages of Paris. These glass-roofed shopping arcades from the 19th century, like Passage Jouffroy, offer a nostalgic look back in time, filled with antiquarian bookshops, boutiques, and charming cafes.

Every city or large town has one of these, but I found this on a online forum, and people say all the locals are lovely, and that really sets a happy tone

For our LGBTQ+ travelers, Paris doesn't disappoint. Le Marais district is famously known as the heart of the city's LGBTQ+ community, with its gay and lesbian-friendly establishments, boutiques, cafes, and nightclubs like the Le Duplex a comforting and friendly spot for the community.

For a cultural dive, Centre LGBT Paris-ÎdF regularly organizes exhibitions, conferences, and debates on LGBTQ+ issues.

As part of the community myself, I thought it really important to let others know that you are welcomed, loved, and allowed to breathe, it’s so nice Paris is open, as I know not everywhere is, stay safe team <3

These lesser-known spots paint a picture of Paris often missed by the everyday tourist. A city not just of light and love, but also of diversity, acceptance, and a quiet charm that will draw you in, time and time again. So, next time you're in Paris, dare to explore the road less traveled - you won't be disappointed.

Parisian Bites: From Gastronomic Delights to Budget Feasts

Paris, the gastronomic capital of the world, offers a smorgasbord of culinary delights that cater to both the discerning gourmand and the penny-pinching foodie.

Let's kick things off with L'Ambroisie, a Michelin three-star restaurant nestled in the heart of Le Marais. Offering a blend of classic and modern French cuisine, each dish is an ode to French culinary artistry. Get ready to be wowed by their famous black truffle tart. Make your reservation here

Left: With stunning decor, and amazing food, this is a once in a lifetime chance! Right: Please crop this I genuinely don't know how on this computer and will end myself

Next, we have Arpège, another three-star Michelin venue, where Chef Alain Passard serves up innovative dishes that showcase vegetables like never before. A must-try is his "Vegetable Symphony," a love letter to the humble garden fare. Book your table here

Left: I just think this gives off the most beautiful aura, hidden, light, but not massive, and really everything from the plates to the interior screams fairy and I am here for it! Right: In the heart of Paris, this restaurant is so close to everything, It’s sooo worth the price

Pierre Gagnaire is where you'd want to head for a taste of avant-garde French cuisine. The restaurant promises a sensory experience, with dishes that are as beautiful as they are flavorful. Secure your spot here

Left: Do you ever find that super duper fancy restaurants have the nicest artwork? I'd be too busy looking at the above than my food, it's stylish and unique, a real piece of Paris! Right: Near where we stayed, trust me, near one of the greatest shopping streets of all time, and one of the worlds best modern monuments, yes PLEASE

At Le Comptoir du Relais Chef Yves Camdeborde serves up delectable, bistro-style fare. Make sure to try their Duck Confit, which is the talk of the town. Reserve a spot here

Left: Imagine this, Parisian summer, music from the streets, and sitting outside eating some of Paris’s best eateries, now that’s life!

Finally, Septime, which is frequently listed among the world's top 50 restaurants, combines French techniques with global ingredients, creating a menu that's exciting and always evolving. Book a table here

Left: I always love seeing the chefs work, they always make the nicest food, and I am so jealous of my cooking, oven, and a bit of spices. Right: Although quite far from the main locations, Paris is one of those stunning cities, that, anyway you go, its fancy shops, beautiful picture opportunities and worth every penny!

On the budget side, don't fret! Paris has a thriving scene of affordable yet fantastic eateries. Check out Chez Aline, a small deli that serves arguably the best baguette sandwiches in Paris, a perfect on-the-go lunch that won't break the bank.

Left: Clearly a popular destination, this funky little place is a perfect place for food on a budget! Right: One of the main attractions to this, is how close it is to the river and a main station, which, if you're catching the Eurostar back, it's a perfect pit stop.

Another affordable option is L'As du Fallafel in Le Marais district. Known for its out-of-this-world falafel, this spot is a local favorite that delivers big on flavor without making your wallet cry.

Left: Now i’ve never tried falafel, and I am tempted after seeing this, YUM Right: Near some beautiful nature parks and walks, grab a couple and have a fun experience!

Don't forget to stop by Marché des Enfants Rouges, the oldest covered market in Paris. Here, you'll find a dizzying array of food stalls serving everything from Moroccan tagines to Japanese bento boxes, all at budget-friendly prices.

Left: Everyone loves a market, I mean, I definitely do, they always do the nicest home made stuff Right: Paris, according to google, has some of the most stunning botanical gardens in Europe,and this little place is right near, grab some market food, and explore!

Paris is truly a food lover's paradise, with options to suit every taste and budget. Whether you're splurging on a Michelin-starred meal or hunting down the city's best budget eats, the city's culinary scene is sure to leave you wanting more. Bon appétit!

Parisian Palaces: Top Hotels & Budget-Friendly Finds

Looking for the ultimate in luxury? Look no further than the iconic Le Meurice with rooms starting at $900 per night. Located across from the Tuileries Garden, this hotel oozes elegance and history. It's an art lover's paradise, frequented by Salvador Dali himself! Every inch of Le Meurice screams grandeur. Just imagine waking up to the views of the city and savoring your breakfast like royalty!

Left: Okay, so this is TOP level stuff, but if any of you go, PLEASE TELL ME, it looks like a movie! Right: In front of some of Paris’s most beautiful greenery and in the middle and the heart of the city, the reviews glow, but, no wonder, I expect that bed to be made from love

Equally impressive is the Four Seasons Hotel George V.

Starting at $1,100 per night, this hotel boasts an exquisite art collection, stunning floral arrangements, and Michelin-starred dining. Customer reviews rave about the exceptional service and unparalleled luxury.

Left: I still believe that if anything is called the ‘Eiffel Tower’ suite, you’re elite, and I am jealous Right: We’ve all seen that channel 5 documentary right? Elegance and class is this hotels middle name

In the heart of Paris, close to the Champs-Élysées, is The Peninsula Paris.

Nice and classy, I find this hotel an homage to people who want minimal whilst exploring the best places in Paris, and clearly can afford it to

The rooms start at $800 per night, and it's worth every penny. It's renowned for its roof terrace with spectacular views over Paris and its gourmet dining experience. You can't get any more Parisian than this!

Near the Arc De Triomphe and some bespoke tailors, for all the best desires

If you want to experience the luxury but with a more modern twist, check out the W Paris - Opéra.

It's a blend of classic Parisian elegance with the electric energy of the W brand. Room rates start from $500 per night, and reviews highlight the stylish decor and central location.

Left: Elegant and chic, not as expensive, but still pricey, right near the opera and many shops, it's a perfect staycation! Right: See, right next to the Opera!

Lastly, there's the Hotel Plaza Athénée, boasting of the 'haute couture' address in Paris. Starting from $1,000 per night, this hotel is a fashionista's dream come true, located on the Avenue Montaigne, the home of luxury fashion. Reviews consistently praise the hotel's sophistication and excellent service.

Left: Have you guys ever seen Downton Abbey? Yeah? Doesn’t this look like something out of a lord and lady palace?! Right: Near the Seine, The Arc De Triomphe, and so much more, this gorgeous hotel is something to marvel at, and I know that chair is comfy!

But hey, if you're on a tighter budget, don't worry, we've got you covered!

Hotel Ekta offers chic rooms from $150 per night. Located near the Champs-Élysées, guests praise its stylish design, superb location, and friendly staff.

Left: I love how unique things are in Paris, like every moment is worth something, from waking up, to sleeping, Paris hotels are AMAZING Right: For the price per night near one of the world's biggest shopping streets and smack in the middle of some of the best monuments, I think this is a steal!

Hotel Monte Cristo

In the Latin Quarter, it is a fantastic choice. With room prices starting at $140 per night, this hotel gets rave reviews for its unique decor inspired by the adventures of its namesake, Alexandre Dumas' Count of Monte Cristo.

Left: I’ve said it before , and I’ll say it again, each hotel in Paris has a divine uniqueness to it, and I love the painting backdrop! Right: More near the Notre Dame, it's selected perfectly in Paris, to enjoy the River Seine,shops and every main tourist attraction, if you want!

For those preferring hostels, Generator Paris offers shared rooms starting at $25 per night. Located in the vibrant 10th district, the hostel has a rooftop bar with panoramic views of Montmartre and Sacré-Cœur. Reviewers love its hip vibe and value for money.

More on the modest side, if you don’t mind sharing, that is, it’s in a perfect location, and doesn’t kill your wallet!

Whether you're looking to splurge or save, the City of Light has the perfect stay waiting for you. From sleeping under silk-trimmed canopy beds to hanging out with fellow travelers in a trendy hostel, Paris is sure to give you sweet dreams.

Parisian Finale: Au Revoir, City of Love!

And of course, although I did struggle to find a Beret, I found one!

And there we have it, folks! A whirlwind of a trip, packed with croissants, cappuccinos, and captivating views that will stay with us forever. We've roamed the renowned Louvre, sighed at the sight of the Eiffel Tower, and winced at the long lines. We’ve gushed over the grandeur of top-notch hotels and celebrated budget-friendly finds that offered comfort without breaking the bank.

I just HAD to take a picture near this cute lamppost, and yes I know I look like that Demi Lavato song where she talks about converse with her dress

Ah, Paris. It's the city of haute couture and high expectations, but remember, my friends, it can also be a city of challenges. It might come across a little daunting, perhaps even slightly standoffish at times. Beware of the occasional scammer, keep an open mind when meeting locals, and always, always remember: "C'est la vie!"

No matter where you walk or go in Paris, there is no denying that the buildings and character are something to marvel at!

Calum and I have made memories that are as timeless as the city itself. We've ventured through its boulevards, tasted its cuisine, admired its world-class art, and danced under its twinkling skyline. And sure, we missed out on some places this time around, but that's okay! This city isn’t going anywhere, and it only gives us more reasons to come back. Next time, we promise, Notre Dame!

I’ve always heard Paris was beautiful at night, and this picture really does put that to the test, as WOW!

The verdict? 7 out of 10! We loved it but won't sugarcoat it: Paris is tough for budget travelers. But, as the saying goes, “Paris is always a good idea" - if you’ve got some money saved up and you’re prepared for a few snafus here and there. The city, with its quirks and charm, has left us smitten. And yes, it did make me fall a little more in love with my Calum, if that's even possible.

Nothing beats spending time with you, my favorite human!

In a nutshell, Paris - you were a dream. Difficult at times, but isn't that just part of the journey? And remember, if you make it there, let me know! I’d love to hear if my tips served you well or if you found some hidden gems of your own.

Au revoir for now, Paris! Until next time, keep sparkling!

Paris, thank you!

That's all for this post! If you've visited Paris and discovered any hidden treasures or have tips to share, I'd be thrilled to hear about them. If you're in the process of planning a trip and have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out. Assisting fellow travellers is always a pleasure, and I make it a point to respond to every email I receive ( Until we meet again, journey safely!

P.S. For those curious to see more, you can find all our travel photos on the SaraJourneysMore Instagram page.

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